This was due to the ongoing Yugoslav wars, which had prevented agreement being reached on the disposition of federal assets and liabilities, particularly the national debt. 正在进行的南斯拉夫战争,阻碍了关于联邦资产和债务,尤其是国家负债的协议的达成。
The speech followed months of political battles over how to lower federal budget deficits and the fourteen-trillion-dollar national debt. 在经历了关于降低联邦预算赤字和14万亿美元国债的数月政治斗争之后发表了此次演讲。
That bill was a compromise between calls for more spending and concerns about the rising national debt. 该法案在呼吁增加支出和担忧国家债务增加之间进行折衷。
In China the leading interest rate of financial market is official rate with the interest rate of national debt as a subordinate one. 我国资金市场主导利率是官方利率,国债发行利率是其从属利率。
It is a standard in order to raise money with emission deadline, national debt can be divided for long-term national debt, short-term national debt and metaphase national debt. 以筹措和发行的期限为标准,国债可分为长期国债、短期国债和中期国债。
The national debt policy in China at present is not based on Keynesianism. 我国当前的国债政策主要不是依据凯恩斯主义。
At the Republican convention in August a clock showed the national debt. 共和党在今年8月举行的全国大会上设置了一个“国家债务钟”。
However, the scale of the national debt will make a great impact on the economy. 然而,国债规模适度与否将会对经济产生不同的作用。
A run of budget surpluses has wiped out its national debt. 持续的预算盈余已勾销了国债。
US President Barack Obama has laid out his plan for reducing record budget deficits and mounting national debt. 美国总统奥巴马阐述了他减少创纪录的财政赤字和持续增加的国债。
He supported plans to build a strong central government by funding the national debt, implementing an effective tax system, and creating a national bank. 他支持通过积累国债,实施有效税制和创立国家银行的方式建立一个强大的中央政府的方案。
The national debt was running at an enormous amount until we received international support in lending us money. 在未得到国际贷款援助以前,国债达到了巨大的数目。
When the surpluses still overflowed, Mr Gore said they should be used to cut national debt. 在预算盈余仍然过剩的情况下,戈尔表示,它们应用于减少国家债务。
Positive Analysis and Research on China's Risk Status of National Debt 中国国债风险状况的实证分析及模型研究
Foreigners already hold half the national debt. 外国人已持有美国国家债务的一半。
Isn't alone in trying to reduce the cost of IT in the face of mounting national debt. 英国政府不是唯一一个国家&在面对增长的国家债务时试图减少IT成本。
Without above-trend growth, the US national debt burden will only grow. 如果没有高于趋势线的增长,美国国家债务负担只会增加。
Admittedly, consumption cannot be sustained indefinitely by running up the national debt. 诚然,消费不可能通过增加国家债务无止境地维持下去。
America has entered a new year with a rising national debt and deficit projections. 美国在国债和赤字不断增加中进入了新的一年。
The president will have to give the federal budget deficit and national debt a far more central place in his policy agenda. 奥巴马将被迫在自己的政策议程中将联邦预算赤字和国家债务置于更核心的地位。
After strong pressure from Germany, it was agreed that national central banks would assume most of the responsibility for losses from any default or restructuring of their national debt, breaking with the eurozone tradition set by previous sovereign bond-buying schemes. 在德国施加强大压力后,欧洲央行内部同意,各国央行将承担本国债务违约或重组所造成的亏损的大部分责任,这打破了之前主权债券购买计划立下的欧元区传统。
Unemployment insurance funds deposited into banks and used to buy national debts according to state provisions are accounted interests respectively according to the deposit rates of resident deposits during the same period and interests of national debt. 存入银行和按照国家规定购买国债的失业保险基金,分别按照城乡居民同期存款利率和国债利息计息。
The government made every effort to staBilize the economy By liquidating the national deBt. 政府以清偿国家债务力谋稳定经济。
During the 1980s and 1990s, governments became preoccupied with runaway inflation and national debt. 在上世纪80年代和90年代,巴西各届政府忙于应对失控的通胀和国家债务。
S.The cost of servicing the national debt takes up roughly a quarter of the government's annual budget. 日本政府年度预算的约四分之一要用来偿还和支付国家债务的本息。
Tax cuts have increased our national debt. 减税一直在令美国的外债增加。
That means increasing national debt and extending the monetary base. 这意味着增加国家债务和扩大货币基础。
Our national debt is not the size of our economy. 我们的国债与我们的经济规模不成比例。
Publishing national debt is an important means to raise funds, alleviate financial tension and implement macroscopic modulation. 国债是国家筹集资金缓解财政压力,实施宏观调控的重要手段。